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You Came Here For A Reason.
Let's Start There.

My name is Drew Polifrone, and I am honored to serve as an Evidential Medium, Meditative Guide, and Intuitive Development Teacher. If you had known me 15-20 years ago, the idea of me providing these services would have been met with laughter.


I was raised in a typical middle-class, predominantly Irish and Italian household in northern New Jersey. Unbeknownst to me at the time, my current abilities and sensitivities emerged following my service as a US Soldier post-9/11, coupled with life-altering events and profound personal loss. These experiences applied a pressure like nothing previously felt.


Recognizing the fragility of life, I was granted a second chance to reassess the trajectory of my life's path. It was a pivotal moment when sobriety called out to me. Acknowledging that drugs and alcohol were the problem, not the solution, marked the most significant and positive decision of my life. Embracing sobriety allowed me to connect with my emotions and feelings, igniting a profound healing journey where spirituality truly began.


During my first attempt at meditation, a powerful, inexplicable presence revealed itself to me, leading to my ability to hear, see, and sense the Spirit World. This was my first conscious contact with my Spirit Guides.


Driven by an unwavering quest to understand the truths of mediumship and to decipher the energetic language of empaths, intuitives, and psychics, I was blessed to find mentors in the US and was guided to travel abroad, with a pivotal experience at The Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Sciences and Mediumship in Stansted, England.


This journey of years committed to training and development has been dedicated to helping others access evidence of the Afterlife rooted in authenticity, integrity, and precision.


My purpose is to bring a soulful dedication to your healing, expansion, and higher needs, serving as a bridge between two worlds and an ambassador for Spirit. Woo Woo and "fluff" as I call it is not what I do. The offerings you will find here at are anchored in helping or healing and having real-life practical application.


This, of course, includes Private Groups, Open Groups, and Private Readings. Additionally, Live Guided Meditations along with Intuitive and Mediumistic Classes, Courses, and Workshops, all designed to teach you easy-to-use tools to heal, grow and unlock natural intuition.



I am thrilled to share that I am in the final stages of writing my book and will have more announcements including a few Spiritual Retreats in the works.


It is always an honor and a privilege to hold space with and for others.  It is my experience and opinion that these abilities are only abilities and when shared with others to help or heal - then the become "gifts." 


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Come experience the wide array of possibilities for healing and self discovery with personalized Guided Meditation, Development Classes, Workshops, Live Events, and Private Get-A-Way Retreats with Medium Drew Polifrone.

Home: Welcome

Learn More About Drew

His origins as a Psychic-Medium

Everything happens for a reason and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Right here, right now.


Taking a multi-faceted approach Drew provides private readings with individuals, families or groups; as well as teaches classes and hosts guided meditations.

Sat on the Rocks

Free Guided Meditation

My experience is that guided meditation helps to invoke a state of relaxed concentration that heightens one's intuition and awareness. Please enjoy this free Guided Meditation audio program as my gift to you, and use it as often as you like.

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Guided Meditation
Home: Events



Private 1-on-1 Readings

Family Sessions

Friends Sessions

Private Groups

Psychic Medium Readings



Reiki Healing

Guided Meditation
Psychic Guidance

Psychic-Medium Healings
Sunset in Mountain

“My mission is to assist in opening the hearts and minds of those seeking to realize their full potential of healing, learning, loving and living in the here-and-now.”

Drew Cali

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